With grants from BC Gaming ($5,000) and Altrusa International Foundation ($4,000 US), the Altrusa Club of Nanaimo set up its own Playaway Audiobook library for our sight impaired clients. Audiobook deliveries were integrated into our current library book delivery schedule. We hope to grow our inventory to serve more people in the community. A HUGE thank you to Vicki for making initial contact with the supplier and getting the ball rolling! Our new library now has a home in Elizabeth’s garage. Elizabeth and Linda are in charge of selecting books. Marean helped Elizabeth with the grant application. When the order arrived, Elizabeth, Donna and Vicki categorized, labelled and shelved the books. Then, with help from Donna and Shirley, Elizabeth created a lending information binder to track our clients and audiobooks. Janice S produced a welcome letter with operating instructions for distribution to all clients on the first delivery, while Trudi sewed the client delivery bags with a different colour for each of the three routes. Sharen, Pat F, Vivien, Roberta, Pat W and Elizabeth made the first delivery on April 8th, and Jan W paid all the bills! Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork!!!

Altrusa International of Altrusa International of Nanaimo
506 West View Place
Nanaimo    Canada
