Book Reinactment/Make A Difference Day

For our Make A Difference Day Project Boaz, Alabama choose to reenact the reading of Esop Fable
The lion and the mouse. The book was read by Pres. Elect Sue Gibson, The Lion was portrayed by President Suzanne Allred and safari hunters, Gail Hunt and Becky Edmondson. This program was presented to approx 300 kindergarten and 1st-grade students plus facility, staff, and cafeteria and maintenance staff.
the audience enjoyed the performance so well they begged for more, at which time Sue Gibson told the story of the Baby Big Mouth Frog. This was another hit by all with the teachers begging us to come by and do more next year.

Altrusa International of Boaz, Alabama District Four
750 E Henderson Rd
Boaz    US
