Category «Health»

Meal Packaging

Our club teams with many other service organizations, churches and business annually to participate in the United Way food packaging program. Working together, teams package either enriched macaroni and cheese or enriched bean soup. The program keeps growing, and this year we were able to package over 20,000 meals. The meals are distributed throughout the county to help feed impoverished families.

Altrusa House

The Altrusa House is a 12 bedroom home away from home for patients and their families that travel more than 50 miles for treatment at one of the area hospitals in Green Bay, WI. Through the fundraising efforts of the Altrusa Club the House was built in 2001. Through various fundraising efforts, such as an annual golf outing, an annual newsletter mailed out to previous donors, and several smaller fundraising efforts plus Grant applications the Club has raised the necessary $100k + funds per year to operate the House, as the guests are only charged a one time key fee of $10.00

Food Drive : Pack the Pickup with Proteins for the Pantry

Pack the Pickup with Proteins for the Pantry: At the end of the summer, pantry shelves are bare. We joined forces with Altrusans, Civitans and Soroptimists to collect protein items for Amazing Grace Food Pantry. In one day, we packed the pickup 3 times, with 2,168 pounds of food and collected over $500. We continue to collaborate with service groups in our area on this project annually.

Female Soldiers: Forgotten Heroes (Female Vets)

Female Soldiers: Forgotten Heroes: Altrusans are helping the PFC Nicholas A. Madaras home in Bridgeport, the first community-based transitional home dedicated to homeless female Veterans and their children up to 10 years of age by collecting much needed items for the 15 bed facility. We have been supplying ‘Blankets of Warmth’ – a holiday gift of handmade afghan for each resident, in addition to deliveries of pillows, sheets, towels, laundry detergent, etc. as needed.

Baby Food, Formula and Diaper Drive

Hungry Babies are NOT an Illusion… Didato Family Memorial Baby Food / Formula Drive: Altrusans have expanded our annual food drive to assist babies all throughout the year. Baby items are donated to the local food pantry and agencies assisting families. We are partnering with the Middletown Diaper Bank to assist in their drives and distribute some diapers we collect to them.

Cook-a-thon for Bellyful

Our club completed a cookathon for their local Bellyful Hamilton who provide meals to families with newborn babies, and families with young children who are struggling with illness. Altrusa donated pasta and pasta sauce, and helped to fill the freezers with 60 meals.

Love Hug Bears for Children in the Hospital

Our club provides hundreds of new, stuffed teddy bears to our local hospital to be given to children admitted to the Emergency Room or in for day surgery. Not only do the toys comfort the children, health care providers can also “demonstrate” and explain procedures to the child using the teddy bear as a “patient.”
We add tags to the toys explaining that they are donated by Altrusa.

Bosom Buddies registration support

We assist with a fundraising walk/run for the Bosom Buddies organization, which provides support and services to people with breast cancer and their families. We help stuff registration bags the day before the event, and at the start of the event we hand out bags to registrants, register walk-ins, and prepare light snacks for the registrees.