Feed Artesia

Artesia Altrusans partnered with the local girl scout and boy scout troops to collect and distribute non-perishable food items. Members were given permission to set up a donation station in front of the local grocery store. Flyers with specific food needs were passed out to patrons as they entered. Girl scouts were on hand to help pass out flyers and organize donations. They also took the opportunity to sell cookies! This increased the number of individuals who stopped – everyone loves Girl Scout cookies! Donations were collected from 9 AM until 4 PM on Saturday. All goods were distributed and taken to three different local food banks. The Boy Scouts came and helped Altrusans unload all of the products.
In total, over 1,000 pounds of food were donated. Benefitting three different local organizations that, collectively, serve over 3,000 residents. Artesia Altrusans look forward to this event every year. Spending time with the Scouts gives us a boost of energy and includes them in an opportunity to serve.
In the past, we have also partnered with local schools, who did their own canned food drives and then donated all of their collected items to our Club. The main benefit is allowing children to serve their community, building stronger leaders for the future.

Altrusa International of Artesia, NM
512 Vogel Rd
Artesia    United States
