Operation Paperback

The literacy committee has started take away libraries at the Department of Child and Family Services, the Covenant Soup Kitchen, and the No Freeze homeless shelter. The shelter has 45 beds and the soup kitchen serves an average of 100 people every day. However, these clients have limited access to reading material.
The members of our club started going to book sales at local libraries to purchase gently used paperbacks of various genres. Children’s books are included. Bookshelves were donated by a third party and placed in the agencies. Clients of the agencies are welcome to choose and keep the books. We have also provided reading glasses and reading lights for those who would like to read at night without bothering the others. The bookshelves are periodically monitored by our members. Another aspect of the project is a holiday card signing. Our members write a personal message and sign cards for the No Freeze clients. These cards come with a candy cane and a blank card with a stamped envelope so the clients are welcome to send a card to someone else. These cards are delivered to the shelter in December.
Operation Paperback supports both the libraries and people who take books from the shelves. Its a win-win project.

Altrusa International of Northeastern Connecticut
135 Whites Hill Road
Coventry, Connecticut 06238    US
