Preparing myself to receive you.

Our international relations service project had the purpose of helping pregnant women in Port Margot, Haiti in their prenatal and postnatal care, and to provide them with the necessary items to receive and feed their baby. The project name was “Preparing myself to receive you”. For this service project we had the collaboration of the Servant of María Order from Mayaguez, PR. We also had the help of local doctors, pharmacies, laboratories, and community clinics that gave us donations of items and medications “over the counter” (OTC), among others. The project concluded with the delivery to the Servant of María Order of 41 boxes containing: prenatal vitamins, folic acid and iron pills, and sanitary napkins for pregnant women; OTC medications and personal hygiene products for infants and adults; baby bottles, milk, wet wipes, disposable diapers, baby clothes and blankets; hand sanitizer and masks. This project provided prenatal care for 75 women and supplies for their baby; OTC medicines and basic necessities for the population. The Servants of Mary would deliver these products. They were very grateful with the result of our project. Over $4,000 in products and materials was finally given to the community in Haiti. We achieved our goals of serving and improving the health and quality of life of women and their babies. In addition, we impacted others with the medicines and items sent to the dispensary, benefiting a community of around five thousand (5,000) people. Altrusa International’s mission is to provide voluntary community service and foster integration between countries. It is gratifying to be an instrument of service to our fellow men, creating bonds of brotherhood and solidarity in the world!

Altrusa International of Altrusa International of San Sebastián, PR Inc.
PO Box 1503
San Sebastián, PR    PR
