Trick or Treat for Literacy

Altrusa of Ames “Make A Difference Day” was held at Ames Public Library in Iowa on October 28. It was organized by our Service Committee. We partnered with Ames Public Library and Downtown Ames Trick or Treat Day, which is always the Friday before Halloween. Altrusa of Ames sets up a table at the library to give away children books, candy, and a toy to any child who passes our table. Altrusans have collected many children books for all ages during the year to prepare for this event. A bookplate is placed inside the cover of each book to designate the book is a gift from Altrusa. This year, 430 books were given away to children. The count could have been higher considering the table was very busy and a few could have picked up a book and been missed in the count. All in all, this was a very successful project for “Make A Difference Day” and also a project to build literacy.

Altrusa International of Altrusa of Ames
PO Box 1964
Ames, IA 50010    US